This is me, otherwise known as Laura! I'm a book-a-holic and even if there was a cure to this disease, I wouldn't want it! I mostly read Young Adult, which is the main focus of my blog. My favorite genres are: Dystopian, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Historical, and Paranormal, and when I'm feeling mushy, some romance and contemporary. I love anything to do with fairies, vampires, werewolves, time travel, angels and demons, and reincarnation or past lives. If I am not reading, then I'm either spending time with my boyfriend (he is okay with the fact that I have book boyfriends like Four, Ash, and Perry), lavishing my three cats with way too much attention; writing my own young adult stories (my dream is to some day actually finish one of my stories and get published!) or doodling. I am a Leo, which explains my dramatic flair and love of the spotlight! I embrace my German and Irish heritage; and I have an abnormal addiction to Cheetos and coffee (but not at the same time!). I am a vegetarian, huge supporter of saving the environment, and animal rights (if a product is tested on animals it's not allowed in my house!). I spend way too much time watching stuff on Netflix and my favorites in music are Evanescence and Taylor Swift (yeah, I know, they are on completely opposite ends of the musical spectrum!) and my favorite color is pink! I usually spend most of my time daydreaming and giving my imagination an intense workout! I love meeting new people and learning new things so please poke around the site and introduce yourself!
These are my blog helpers:
This is my buddy, Peary. He's super sweet! Peary likes to help me out with my Media Monday posts! He's a self-described softy and is happy just hanging out with his friends. He loves the color green, and he loves ghost stories.

This is Gemma. She's a Gemini and loves helping me out with my Top Ten Tuesday posts. She likes that we share a favorite color, pink, and enjoys swooning over book boyfriends (she really likes Tucker from the Unearthly series).

...New friends stop by all the time so be sure to check back often to see who else has joined in on the blogging fun at My Enchanted Bookshelf! And if you think I'm weird after reading this, it's okay, I love being as non-ordinary as possible :))
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