Today's Books:
Darkness Before Dawn By J.A. London
Torment - Fallen #2 By Lauren Kate
I have been a fan of the covers for the Fallen series even though I haven't read them yet - however; I do own the first book. I am a sucker for black/white/gray and awesome gothic-style dresses; which both of these have. The emotion conveyed on the cover of both of these books is just incredible. They're so melancholy, and so almost heartbroken; you want to know what happened to make these girls so sad. I also love the fonts on both covers; however I do prefer the Darkness Before Dawn's font just a bit more. I do like that the top of the cover of Torment is left open; whereas the author's name is at the top of Darkness Before Dawn. I think if they moved the author's name down below the title it would've looked better. I also like the little scroll-like decoration between Torment and A Fallen Novel; that's nice because it carries over through the entire series.
What do you think of these? Which one do you like best?
*Have you found covers that look alike? Email me and I'll give you credit in the post!
I can't believe I haven't read Fallen yet. But now both books are on my TBR list! I agree with you - they're great covers, and I like the font on Darkness Before Dawn more. Great feature, BTW!