By Wendy Wunder
hardcover, 336 pages
Published December 8th, 2011 by Razorbill

Dry, sarcastic, sixteen-year-old Cam Cooper has spent the last seven years in and out of hospitals. The last thing she wants to do in the short life she has left is move 1,500 miles away to Promise, Maine - a place known for the miraculous events that occur there. But it's undeniable that strange things happen in Promise: everlasting sunsets; purple dandelions; flamingos in the frigid Atlantic; an elusive boy named Asher; and finally, a mysterious envelope containing a list of things for Cam to do before she dies. As Cam checks each item off the list, she finally learns to believe - in love, in herself, and even in miracles.
A debut novel from an immensely talented new writer, The Probability of Miracles crackles with wit, romance, and humor and will leave readers laughing and crying with each turn of the page.
I am simply speechless. This book had me laughing, it had me crying, it was all ups and downs but in a good way. In an "OMG I'm human, I'm alive, and I have these things called feelings!" way. I literally got lost in this book. Cam is a character like no other, and I mean that in every way possible. She is so funny and witty and so freakin' sarcastic! She is a true breath of fresh air, and thinking over all of the books that I've ever read, and all the female characters that I consider "heroines" I think in every sense of the word, Cam is a true heroine.
"She'd trained herself for so long not to want or hope or to wish, that she had a hard time pinning down something to ask for."
I was really hesitant to read this because I lost my brother nine years ago to cancer when he was 22. I can't lie and say it didn't dredge up old hurts, but it was almost therapeutic. What I mean is that when you think of a young person with cancer you think of them possibly just losing the will to live; just giving up because they've been handed a death sentence. But Cam's story is so endearing. Knowing that yes, you can accept the fact that you will be dying, but knowing that you can't let it rob you of the good you still have - the time that you still have left - it brings such a sense of peace and comfort. Cancer is so scary and so prevalent today that almost everyone out there has lost or knows someone affected with or by the disease. To have a story like Cam's to tell gives such hope, such promises.
I recommend this book to absolutely any and everyone. Keep tissues nearby and read where you won't be stared at like your nuts when you bust out laughing at the funny parts - like Asher calling Cam "Ass Whisperer" lol
Wunder is an absolute wonder woman (Wow I so didn't mean to pun right there, ha!) when it comes to writing and I will gladly and happily read ANYTHING that she writes!!
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