Series: Vampire Academy #1
By: Richelle Mead
Published: August 16th 2007 by Razorbill
Edition: Paperback, 332 pages
Obtained: Own
Challenges: 2012 TBR Pile Challenge
Categories: Vampires, Magic/Spells, Paranormal Romance, Suspense, Mystery, Urban Fantasy, Action
Rating: 4 Cupcakes - Simply Delectable!
Where you can buy it: Barnes & Noble | Amazon | Kobo | Book Depository
Author Info: Twitter | Website | Facebook

Rose and Lissa become enmeshed in forbidden romance, the Academy's ruthless social scene, and unspeakable nighttime rituals. But they must be careful lest the Strigoi - the world's fiercest and most dangerous vampires - make Lissa one of them forever.
My Thoughts: I went into this not really thinking I'd like it; but when I finished, I realized that I actually really enjoyed it! Like any first book, the beginning is a bit slower as it fills you in on everything that is going on, and explaining all of the characters, and story lines, etc. I was even kind of annoyed with both Rose & Lissa when they first got back to the Academy. I had trouble connecting with Rose because I was reading her one way, and then we start to learn about how she used to be when they were previously at the Academy, so it was conflicting for me. But once I was into the bulk of the book I started seeing how kick-ass Rose Hathaway is! And Dimitri - YUM! The tension between Rose and Dimitiri is wonderful! And Christian, oh, Christian! Love the bad boys!!
What I liked as well is that there was ALWAYS something going on. There were very few, if any dull, slow moments. It was a very nicely paced story, in my opinion. I love the development of both Rose and Lissa's characters throughout the story; and the ending was pretty much perfect to lead us into the second book. The world that Mead has created is wonderful, and one you can easily visualize and spend lots of time in. I've already picked up the next two books in the series from the library and have already started Frostbite!
Read this if you like: Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine, Evernight by Claudia Gray, Night World by LJ Smith, Chicagoland Vampires by Chloe Neill, Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow
The thing I found when I started the VA series was that once I got started on the second book, I seriously could not stop reading them. The series gets better and better with each book. If you think the first one was good, just wait for the rest of them...
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